
PSPicker, a matlab tool for automatic phase picking and event location

View the Project on GitHub ChrisBail/PSPicker

STRJOIN Concatenate an array into a single string.

  S = strjoin(C)   
  S = strjoin(C, separator)   


S = strjoin(C) takes an array C and returns a string S which concatenates
array elements with comma. C can be a cell array of strings, a character
array, a numeric array, or a logical array. If C is a matrix, it is first
flattened to get an array and concateneted. S = strjoin(C, separator) also
specifies separator for string concatenation. The default separator is comma.


  >> str = strjoin({'this','is','a','cell','array'})   
  str =   

  >> str = strjoin([1,2,2],'_')   
  str =   

  >> str = strjoin({1,2,2,'string'},'	')   
  str =   
  1 2 2 string