
PSPicker, a matlab tool for automatic phase picking and event location

View the Project on GitHub ChrisBail/PSPicker

FOLLOW_EXTREM find extremas using several smoothed versions of a function

1) locate the ‘n’ first extremas of the smoothest function
2) refine these points step by step through less and less smooth functions


f, array of interest (unsmoothed)
type: ‘mini’ or ‘maxi’, depending on wheter you want to follow minima
or maxima
num: number of extrema to follow
smooth_vec: vector containing the different smoothings to apply
option: ‘normalize’: normalize (what?)
anything else: don’t normalize
sense: ‘first’: selects the ‘num’ first extrema, starting from the right
anything else: select the ‘num’ biggest extrema
Outputs: value_ext, extrema of unsmoothed function
ind_ext, indices of extrema
Exemple: [value_ext,ind_ext]=follow_extrema(f,’mini’,2,[1 5 10]