
PSPicker, a matlab tool for automatic phase picking and event location

View the Project on GitHub ChrisBail/PSPicker

Function made to compute the synthetics traveltimes from an Sfile, the
output is an Sfile containing all arrivals for all stations specified in STATION?.HYP.
The model file needs to be in the current directory.
Warning!!! To work:

hyp: hyp program with full path specified
ex: ‘/Users/baillard/bin/seisan_v10.3_macosx_64/PRO/hyp’
sfile: input Sfile
ex: ‘16-0046-48L.S200805’
sfile_output: output Sfile name with all arrivals (P and S for the moment), all stations
specified in STATION?.HYP
ex: ‘new_16-0046-48L.S200805’
show: if 1 shows hyp output process