
PSPicker, a matlab tool for automatic phase picking and event location

View the Project on GitHub ChrisBail/PSPicker

HYPOCENTER is the location algorithm used in PSPicker, it takes as input:

HYPOCENTER is shipped with SEISAN and referred as hyp. Please refer to the SEISAN installation cookbook for details.

If you downloaded the source, sometimes you can have a problem with tau.for and hyp crashes with the following message: At line 1635 of file tau.for (unit = 22, file = '/home/seismic/SEISAN/DAT/IASP91_linux.HED') Fortran runtime error: End of file. This is because hyp uses IASP tables for global locations problems, even if we are not using these tables, hyp requests them to be present. Just do remodl and setbrn to regenerate the tables.

troubleshooting: hyp has sometimes problem to link to an old In that case you have to recompile programs.

The path where hyp is installed is given as an input in the mainfile.txt configuration file